Saturday, September 9, 2023

Fuselage center section #30 - Seat rib area assembly

 Primed all the parts I had prepped and then started the fun part of riveting it all together:

Not shown is part prep for priming and priming.  Same old same old.  Deburr, round edges, slightly chamfer holes, acid etch and scrub, dry and then prime!

Riveting these corner pieces that end up securing the corner skins later.

Riveting the forward stub spar socket using a couple solid rivets.

Next is adding these doubler braces.

Some of these are solid and others are pulled.

Other end...

These doublers get riveted together with 3/32 universal head rivets which are smaller than the normal 1/8" ones.

All done!

Installed the center nutpates.  Top ones get squeezed and the bottom ones get the special SS nutpate rivets that are pulled.

Then these doublers are riveted in.  The top gets squeezed and the sides get pulled.  The bottom gets left open.

Back side.

Then this gets riveted to the rest of the center section.

These permanent seat pans for the outboard get riveted in.

And some nutplates riveted in.

Other side...

Started to cut these heavy angle parts and realized I need a new band saw blade.  This will have to wait!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Fuselage center section #29 - Seat rib area assembly

 And even more part prep for the fwd seat rib area:

Cuttin more parts apart....

Removing flashing and deburring..

Lets do it again!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Fuselage center section #28 - Seat rib area assembly

 More part prep to the forward seat rib area parts.

Cuttin these parts apart...
Removing the flashing and deburring.

Cleaning up the extreme amount of shear marks on these things.

Enlarging some holes...

Have to do some countersinking of this bulkhead.  It gets thin so you need to trap the pilot of the cutter so it does not elongate the hole.  I used a block of oak hardwood.

I then drilled the holes and cleco'ed the board to the bulkhead.

Then countersunk the holes without any issue!

All done!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Fuselage center section #26 - Seat rib area assembly

 Finished the seat pan area by riveting the two subassemblies to the main center section.

After spending most of the day reorganizing and clearing clutter from the garage, I was able to cleco the two seat pan sub assemblies to the main center section.

Installed the rivets on the top side, the outboard ones are flush rivets.

Other side....

Tipped the whole thing on its side to rivet the ribs to the center channel.

Had to get these with the hand puller.  My arthritis does not like this!
All done!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Fuselage center section #25 - Seat rib area assembly/priming

 I primed the missed seat pan parts in the morning and did some assembly in the afternoon.

I found the upper humidity limit of the waterborne primer I am using.  Got a few flaws in the finish from some almost runs because I was priming early with too much moisture in the air.  Once it dried it was acceptable so I did not bother with sanding it off and priming again.  It will all get sanded prior to paint anyway so it is what it is for now.

Riveted the nutpates on the front edge of the seat pans.

Riveted the nutplates around the access hole of the seat pans.

Riveted the seat pans to the rib subassemblies.  A few holes get left for later.

Riveted the nutplates to the inboard edges of the seat pans and ribs.

Other side.....

And riveted this brace that will eventually rivet to the side skins.

Other side....