Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Waiting on wings and or fuselage kits....

 So Van's took my final payment on the wings and fuselage a good while back (almost 2 months for wings and 1 month for fuse) and the status page shows both are assigned to crating.  I assumed a similar time to ship as the empennage kit once that happened but we are well past that time.

I emailed and got a response from Kelsey at Van's and she said I am still not being crated yet.  She is gonna check to try and get a better status.

My problem is that I will be off the continent for a 16 day Hawaiian cruise starting May 31st and won't be here to handle receiving any kits if they arrive during that window.  I also don't want to lose my spot in line by delaying delivery.  My hope way back then was that the kits would arrive before I left for that trip.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Empennage Fiberglass Fairings/Tips

 Since I am out of parts, I decided to go ahead and fit/attach the fiberglass fairings/tips to the empennage parts.  - 2 man hours.

The rudder fairing has extra material that has to be cut off to allow it to nest into the end rib/skin properly.

Match drilled & cleco'ed as I went and eventually riveted the fairing on.  One side done.

The other side done.

Fitting the vertical stabilizer fairing the same way.  This one is open in the back and has to be trimmed up for a nice fit.

Match drilled with the end rib/skin.

Trim even with the aft edge of the skin per the plans.

All trimmed up.

And riveted on.

Next the stabilator fairings get trimmed.  These need to be trimmed a little more than the other two did.

Notches have to be cut out for the spars and the existing rivets holding the end rib in place.

Match drilled to the stabilator ribs and skins.

All done! 

Now I am officially waiting on more parts!